Network Training Course

The Network Training Course (NTC) is specifically geared towards training the coordination teams and steering groups of a network. It aims to:

  1. Increase understanding of network development
  2. Support networks as they grow and develop
  3. Gain consistency and high levels of skill in network development across all Viva partner networks


Viva works with networks at all different stages of development. Depending on the network size, goals and achievements, the relationship with Viva will vary. As a general norm, in the first three years of contact, Viva will work with partner networks to ensure that they build firm foundations in order to launch larger and more impactful programmes for children. We would describe the relationship in the first two or three years as the ‘set-up’ stage. The focus will be to ensure the network has good staff structures, sustainable income sources, accountability systems as well as implementing collective action and city-wide influence programmes that will positively change situations of children.

Our aim is that at the end of the ‘set-up’ stage our partner networks will be able to evidence that they meet Viva’s ‘Viability & Sustainability Benchmark’ criteria and have the right core components in place. This will demonstrate to all parties – members, potential members, current and potential investors that the network is strong and competent, worth joining and supporting. The first 6 units of the Network Training Course (NTC) are focussed on achieving the benchmark.

With the Benchmark achieved, the second relationship stage we call ‘scale-up’ will begin. Here, the relationship emphasis changes and Viva works with the network to build more impactful programmes and wider engagement with other key actors in the city. NTC units 7 to 12 cover this stage of development.

Recommended Format

Viva’s Network Consultant or Facilitator will recruit members of the network coordination team to join the NTC along with colleagues from other networks on a cycle of training. With each unit:

  1. The Viva team will host a joint Zoom or video call to introduce the subject and have an initial group discussion.
  2. Each individual will carefully read and consider the material provided
  3. Each individual will write an email to the Viva team responding to the Reflective questions and Action plan
  4. The Action Plans will be monitored until completed.

In each unit, we make reference to key scriptures – we have used the Devotionals developed by our partner network in the Philippines, PCMN. The book can be purchased through Amazon through here or referred to via here.


Students that have sent their responses demonstrating completion of all 6 units and have developed an overall written action plan will receive a signed Viva certificate confirming their completion of the course and learning in Network Development.

Wider Engagement

In the past maybe only the network coordinator took the time to engage in the NTC. In simplifying the material and process we hope that all coordination team and Steering group members will be able to take part in the new NTC. We want to foster much greater understanding and awareness of the subtleties and complexities of managing a network as opposed to managing and NGO. We want to be open all interested parties in order to encourage and grow future leaders and start new networks.

Find out more?

Stage 1 course materials can be found here:

Stage 2 (still to come)

All resources to be made available in Spanish in the near future.

If you would like copies of the templates referenced in the units, any further information or to request to enroll in Viva’s Network Training Course, contact us on (+44) 1865 811 660 or