Viva Added Value

Over 20 years, Viva has pioneered and refined our approach of building locally-led networks of churches and organisations that deliver collective-action programmes designed to tackle the root causes of problems affecting children. This joined-up model employed across 37 networks in 22 countries, delivers a level of scale and reach that would not be possible for a single organisation to achieve. Viva’s Network Development Team provide support, expertise and share knowledge to networks every step of the way.

Each network has a designated Viva Network Development Team Member who keeps regular contact through Skype calls, email, phone and face-to-face meetings with coordinators and Steering Groups to build strong relationships and enable coaching and mentoring through challenges and growth in line with partner networks’ own capacity, vision, skills and track record.

Network Development Team Members are supported by the Viva International Centre including:

  • mentoring and capacity-building of the network coordination team, steering group and action teams
  • training in programme methodology including fund-raising and programme relevance
  • guidance in step by step changes necessary for network growth in relationships, skills and reach
  • links to case studies, conference outputs, applied research and other networks’ learning
  • specially developed tools to help the network plan, implement, monitor, evaluate, refine and report its work
  • access to Viva’s network monitoring and self-assessment tool, the ‘Network Health Check’, which helps networks assess their progress in eight areas (listed below)
  • opportunities nationally where possible for network leaders to meet with colleagues from other networks to share, encourage and receive generic training as well as reviews of their own activities with international leaders

Viva’s Network Development Team strategically support the networks to grow and develop their effectiveness and ultimately to change the situation for children in their cities.

The Network Development Team’s role changes as networks progress but throughout this, Viva consultancy supports nine key areas of network development and results:

  1. Purpose: collective action, capacity, influence, enabling, partnership, engagement
  2. Identity: vision, function & role, measurement
  3. Situation: understanding children’s difficulties, needs & situations, existing service provision and responding
  4. Programmes: collective thinking and collaborative actions
  5. Leadership: developing network leadership of the steering group, coordination team and action teams
  6. Systems: membership, communication & services, staffing, scheduling & monitoring, data capture, reporting, accountability, assessment, evaluation
  7. Sustainability: fundraising & self-funding, staff & volunteer recruitment and retention, transparency & credibility, evidence of impact & sustainability
  8. Relationships: in and between all stakeholders: coordination team, steering group, action teams, local and national partners, local and national government partner agencies
  9. Network Results: delivery, achievement, influenced decision-makers, impact, sustainable solution

You can find a summary of the role the Network Development Team plays on the page for each of Viva’s four drivers for lasting change (connecting, capacity building, collective action, city-wide influence) or more details information here: Viva Network Development & Programme Team Added Value