Being Family

‘Being Family’ has been written for Christians across the world who are caring for vulnerable children in their communities. The aim is, through a group workshop format, to encourage them in their calling and expand their remit to begin to think about better supporting children in families. It aims to raise awareness and understanding of family based care for children and is an introduction to the Christian community to ways in which models and practice in caring for children are changing. ‘Being Family’ does not give guidelines of how to implement change as these are found in Better Homes for Children  which looks at the practical aspects of family strengthening, alternative family based care for children and how to make the transition from long term residential care to short term emergency care for children.

How does it build capacity?

The Church is in a key position to be able to work with strengthening and supporting families, (something that is much needed in today’s fragmented world) and to provide safe and loving homes for children where they are not able to live with their own families.

‘Being Family’ is a resource to ensure that church leaders and those working with children are aware of trends in guidance and best practice for caring for children. There is growing evidence that children develop much better when they are in a family or are with family members. In a world where increasingly international trends are moving away from institutional care for children towards family based care, there is a need for the Christian community to re-orientate its care for children away from the traditional model of long-term residential care in orphanages and hostels towards family based alternatives. This trend is in line with biblical teaching since family is the institution God has chosen to use to express his personhood and Scriptural values he has given us.

The Christian faith based community needs to be able to respond to these changes, which not only affect the way organisations are run but also funding streams towards alternative care for children.  Providing safe and nurturing temporary shelter for children who have become separated from their families, before family based care can be found is a high calling. It potentially enables Christians to influence the lives of many more children.


‘Being Family’ has been designed to be used flexibly, depending on the amount of time facilitators and attendees have available. The workshop could be run in an evening, a half day or a whole day.

A Being Family PowerPoint Presentation (Español: Presentación Ser Familia) accompanies the Facilitators Pack with resources and activities to ensure that core content is covered, with optional additional activities for those with more time to explore the topic further.

There are 7 topics included in the course:

  1. Affirming our calling to work with children
  2. God’s view of Family
  3. Why Families Promote Healthy Child Development
  4. Why are Children Separated from their Families
  5. Changing Trends in Working with Children
  6. How to care for orphans and vulnerable children
  7. Working Together for Family Based Care


Find out more?

You can download our ‘Being Family’ facilitators pack here. (Español: Ser Familia)  If you have any questions or would like any further information, please do contact us on (+44) 1865 811 660 or